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Bray Runners League

This initiative is all about participation, inclusion and above all fun!

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Lake Cutra Triathlon.

Congratulations to Jean O'Kennedy, who recorded an excellent time of 3hrs 30m 30s at The Lough Cutra Triathlon on Sunday 24th May. Distances for the event, Swim, Open Water,1500mts; Cycle 40k; Run 10k. Jean's times were, Swim 53.25; Cycle 1.44.18; Run 46.30, which is in fact a new 10k Pb. Full results at

Weekend Results.16th/17th May.

 Our club was well represented at today's Terenure 5mile. Dominic Horan ran an excellent 28.54 and finished 1st O/45. Colm O'Heigeartaigh ran 30.00 which took over 1min 11 sec off his previous best. James Nangle ran 31.19, Suzanne Foot 32.18 and was 2nd O/40. Ashling Smith recorded a new Pb of 33.24 and was 3rd O/40. Jean O'Kennedy was 4th O/50 in a time of 36.02, Hope Staunton ran 38.51, Emer Hynes recorded a new Pb of 39.25 and Andrea Murphy, despite feeling a bit unwell, was pleased with her time of 39.40. Stefanie Unland, took almost 4minutes off her previous best in running 50.57, the hard work at Thursday training is paying off. Full results can be found on

At the Maynooth 10k, also held today 17th May, Charlotte Stevens ran a fine 47.40, full results from this race can be found at

Also taking place today was the Craanford 5mile, Jason O'Connor was very pleased with his time of 37.16 and Richard Kavanagh ran 35.43 and took 1st O/60.

Club Night Out

This Thursday May, 21st we are meeting for a get together in the Harbour Bar, Bray from 9pm. ALL our athletes and friends are invited. We will also take this opportunity to present the TEAM medals won at Wicklow Road Race C/ships and TEAM and INDIVIDUAL medals from the Senior and Masters Cross Country C/ships, 2014. Hope you can make it.

Road Race C/S;

Ladies Senior Team; Gold

Suzanne Foot, Helen Barry,

Ashling Smith, Cara Barry.


Ladies Masters Team; Bronze

Jean O'Kennedy, Andrea Murphy

Georgina Devlin.


Mens Senior Team; Silver.

Neil Wiktorski; Gary Condon;

Dominic Horan; James Nangle.


Senior Cross Country 2014.

Ind. Ashling Smith and Richard Owens, both Gold.


Women; Silver.

Ashling, Charlotte,  Siobhan, Emer and Andrea.


Men, Gold.

Richard Owens, Gary, Neil ,Joe C and Dominic. 


Dates For Diary, May/June/July

If you are looking for races over the next couple of months the following are always well supported by our athletes,

17th May;  Terenure 5ml;

17th May;  Craanford Harriers 5ml. 12.00

19th May;  Enfield 5k; 8pm;

1st June;   Womens Mini Marathon; 2pm;

13th June;  Ferns 4ml;  5pm.

20th June; Dunshaughlin 10k; 7.30pm;

21st June; Castleknock 5k; 10am;

26th July;  Bettystown 5ml; 11am;

These are just a small selection of the numerous road races that will be taking place over the next couple months.

One further date for your diary, Leinster Masters Cross Country, 25th October. If not running in Dublin Marathon we would encourage you to take part in this very prestigious event.

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Bray Runners Perform Brilliantly at the County Track and Field Championship

We have just completed 3 fantastic days of competition at the Athletics Wicklow Track and Field Championship.
There were many fantastic performances by Bray Runners Juveniles who brought home an impressive haul of medals, certainly one of the best performances in recent years by Bray Runners. Full results to follow.
Well done to all our athletes who took part: your effort, determination and enthusiasm were hugely impressive and your behaviour was a credit to the Club. Everyone looked fantastic in their bright orange club tee shirts.
Finally, but by no means least: many, many thanks to all of our parents and coaches who came along to help and encourage over the three days, these events would not happen without your support.
                                                                                               The Coaches.

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About Us

Our Club was founded in 1983 primarily as a marathon running club, however over the years we have introduced a juvenile section and cover a wide range of athletic disciplines.

Bray Runners Athletics Club
Bray Head Terrace, Vevay Rd, Oldcourt, Bray, Co. Wicklow



Committee Members

Richard Hourihan Chairperson

Cyril J. Smith Hon. Treasurer

Orla Phillips Hon. Secretary

Collette Mason Child Welfare Officer

Jackie O'Neill Social Secretary

Emma Craxton Juvenile Representative

Kieron O'Leary Club Captain

Ashling Smith Committee Member

Maureen O'Rourke Committee Member


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Well done to all our athletes!