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Bray Runners League

This initiative is all about participation, inclusion and above all fun!

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New Members are always welcome!

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Enniscorthy 10k.

15 of our club athletes made the trip to Enniscorthy today, Sunday 9th Feb. The course is a tough one but thankfully the weather was quite good. Full results as soon as we get them but we know that Gary Condon was 1st O/40, Noelle Thorpe 1st O/50, Richard Kavanagh 1st O/60. Our ladies took 2nd place in the team event. There was some fine performances all round with a number of athletes recording Pbs. 

Results, Neil Wikstorski, 33.12, 10th, Pb., Gary Condon, 34.11, 15th and 1st O/40, Pb., Joe Cawley, 35.20, 35th, Pb., Des O'Hare, 39.58, Pb., Helen Barry, 41.18, Richard Kavanagh, 42.04, 1st O/60., Noelle Thorpe, 44.27, 1st O/50., Diana Doll, 45.11, Pb., Denise O'Leary, 45.51, Pb., Jason O'Connor, 46.09, Paul Humphries, 49.13, Georgina Devlin 50.37, Pb., Andrea Murphy, 50.39, Pb., Emer Hynes, 51.34, Elaine Nuzan, 63.27.

As the times tell, great performances from all our athletes, Neil, Gary and Joe Cawley all smashing their old Pbs. Joe taking over a minute off his previous best. Des O'Hare breaking 40 for the first time and with Diana Doll knocked over a minute off their old marks. Denise O'Leary also Pb, great return after long injury layoff, Georgina Devlin and Andrea Murphy also set new marks. Great runs from Elaine Nuzan, just 10 seconds outside her best time, Helen Barry, Jason O'Connor, Noelle Thorpe, Emer Hynes and Paul Humphries aslo close to their Pbs. Helen, would surely have set a new Pb had it not for a lace becoming undone at the 8k mark. Well done to all who competed. Congratulations to the organisers, great race. 

Q and A with Gerry Curtis.

This coming Thursday, 30th Jan., we will be having a Q and A session with Gerry Curtis. It will be held at 19.45, after training in St., Killians College Sportshall. As most people know Gerry was one of Ireland's finest middle distance runners and he currently advises, re training, a number of our athletes. This is sure to be a very informative evening.

Noelle Sets New Pb in America

Today Sunday 26th Jan., Noelle Thorpe set a new Pb of 1hr. 36m. 59sec., in the Celebration Half Marathon. Celebration is a large town in Florida, USA. Noelle also took 1st place in the O/50 category. In excess of 1,000 athletes took part in the event.

Also today we had the annual Dungarvan 10 mile Road Race. The race was won by Thomas Fitzpatrick, Tallaght AC, in 49.48, with Siobhan O'Doherty, Borrisokane AC, first woman home in 56.53. Joe Cawley ran an excellent 57.50 and Dominic Horan ran 59.45, almost 5 minutes faster than his time in same race last year. Full results can be found on

A large number of our athletes took part in the Raheny 5 mile today. Hear are the results we have to hand;

Neil Wiktorski, 26.28, 18th;  Des O'Hare, 32.23 Pb;  Suzanne Foot, 32.25;  Helen Barry, 32.33;  Diana Doll, 36.04, Pb;  Leanne Geraghty, 36.04,  Pb;  Denise O,Leary, 36.31, Pb, great to see Denise back after injury; Siobhan Butler, 37.24, Pb;  Georgina Devlin, 37.44, PB;  Charlotte Stevens, 38.22;   Susan Dowd, 39.04, Pb;   Colette Mason, 39.41, Pb; 

Well done to all who competed, and as you can see we had many of our athletes set new Pbs. Among those Pbs was Diana Doll, who continued her remarkable improvement by knocking almost 5mins off her previous best, set on the very fast Dunboyne course in May 2013. Please let us know if we have missed anyone. 



Training News

Thursday training continues to prove very popular with our members, in excess of 30 athletes present again this week. Sunday morning numbers also growing again. An informal group meet on Tuesday evenings, 7pm, at front gates of Shanganagh Park. They do a long run, sometimes hilly, 80mins., app., pace 8.30 per mile app. All welcome.

Training Times;  Tuesday, 19.00, Shanganagh Front Gates, Long Run. (Informal Group)

                        Thursday, 18.30, St., Killians College Sposrthall. Sessions to suit all levels.

                        Sunday,    09.30, Shanganagh Front Gates,  Runs to suit all levels.

                        Tuesday and Wednesday, Greystones Track, Times to be confirmed and will be notified asap.

We have had a few offers to help out with training, but we still need more. If you can help out, even if only for 1 or 2 sessions please let us know on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  Coaching courses are available throughout the year, any member interested in taking one, or if you would like further information, please contact Hon Secretary, Diana, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or speak to any committee member. 

Good Luck to all those competing this weekend, at home and in the USA.







Fit4Life League will start off their season on Thursday 6th Feb., at 19:30 in Greystones with a 2 mile road race. Registration will be open at Shoreline Track Pavillion from 18:45. The second round will be on March 6th in Rathdrum, it will be a 5km Road Race.

                                                   Sli Cualann, Target Race.

The main target for the first half of the year will be the AAI Relays which will take place in Raheny on the 13th of April. This is a team event.

Senior Men: 2 miles, 1 mile 3 miles 2 miles

Master Men M 50, Master Men M40, Master Women W50, Master Women W40, Senior Women:

1 mile, 2 miles, 1 mile

Sli Cualann will have a series of group training sessions for all athletes who wish to do this event. The first session will be Thursday 27th February in Greystones - time to be confirmed.


A Message From Our Hon. Chairperson

Welcome Address:
It's a great honour to be  the Hon. Chairperson of the Bray Runners committee. Bray Runners provides great support for runners in Bray and surrounding areas at all levels and abilities.
The club has members of all abilities. It is a legacy of the club that runners of all abilities have been included and valued members. This to my mind is a great strength of the club.
It is vitally important that this ethos is maintained and continues to be a principal value of the club.
We have taken a large input of younger members in the last few years. It is important that these younger members are encouraged and supported as they mature into strong club runners.
We have very dedicated and competitive club runners at all levels of the club. It is important that their needs are met and that the club remains a place that they feel valued and supported. 
We have many members who, plain and simply, enjoy running and for whom competition is not the main motivation. The club also needs to be a place that they also are valued and supported.
Essentially I would wish that the club remain a place for all in Bray and surrounding areas that enjoy running.  It is the committee's responsibility to run the club, however it requires the input from all members to meet the needs of all the club members. I look forward to another great year of running in Bray Runners and playing my part in continuing the great legacy and ethos of the club.

Latest Juvenile News

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Contact Us

About Us

Our Club was founded in 1983 primarily as a marathon running club, however over the years we have introduced a juvenile section and cover a wide range of athletic disciplines.

Bray Runners Athletics Club
Bray Head Terrace, Vevay Rd, Oldcourt, Bray, Co. Wicklow



Committee Members

Richard Hourihan Chairperson

Cyril J. Smith Hon. Treasurer

Orla Phillips Hon. Secretary

Collette Mason Child Welfare Officer

Jackie O'Neill Social Secretary

Emma Craxton Juvenile Representative

Kieron O'Leary Club Captain

Ashling Smith Committee Member

Maureen O'Rourke Committee Member


Our Photos

Well done to all our athletes!