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Bray Runners League

This initiative is all about participation, inclusion and above all fun!

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New Members are always welcome!

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On behalf of our Chairman, Sean, Hon. Treasurer, Cyril, Hon. Secretary, Lorainne and all the committee may we wish you all, your families and friends a very Happy Christmas.

Senior C/C





























































































Diana Doll Wins Winter League.

Today, Sunday 15th Dec., saw the final round of our Winter League, 5k H/cap held in conjunction with our Annual Club H/cap. The winner, after a very close battle, is Diana Doll with a total of 63points. The runner up, on 59points is Jason O'Connor. In 3rd place was Pat McCourt, 51pts (on countback) with Noelle Thorpe 4th also on 51pts. Liam Casey finished 5th on 50points. Full results will be posted asap. Presentation to winners will take place at Thursday Training, St Killians.

 We would like to remind all athletes that Killians College Sportshall is available to all from 6 to 8pm on Thursdays. Clean, warm and secure changing rooms, hot showers and ample parking.

Diana Doll wins Club H/Cap.

A small but quality field took part in our Annual Club 5k H/cap in Shanganagh on Sunday 15th Dec. The weather was dry, mild but very windy, not ideal Pb conditions. Our first race was a 3k for juveniles, great times from those who took part, as can be seen from the list below. Our 2nd race was the 5k H/cap. We had some excellent performances from our athletes, with Diana Doll first home in a race time of 21.59, a new Pb by 1min 39sec. This is a continuation of the remarkable improvement Diana has shown this year, with new Pbs in almost every race she runs. Jason O'Connor finished 2nd, also a new Pb, in 21.39. Dominic Horan ran an excellent 17.49 to finish 3rd, Dominic was last athlete off and was not far away from catching the whole field. Our thanks to those who took part and to those who came along to help out.

                                                              Juvenile 3k

                                                  Cian Galligan,     U14,  13:48
                                                  Shauna Galligan, U14,  13:50
                                                  Milo Dolling;       U12,  14.03
                                                 Sam Hickmott;     U10, 14:26
                                                 Hannah Foot;      U10, 15:20



              Name                     Clock time;    H/C;       Actual time 

1st ;    Diana Doll                      24.29        2.30           21.59

2nd;    Jason O,Connor              24.39        3.00            21.39

3rd;     Dominic Horan               24.49        7.00             17.49

4th;     Michael Nalty                  24.50       6.00              18.50

5th;      Des O'Hare                    25.00        5.00             20.00

6th;      Colm O' hEigeataigh        25.12       5.30              19.42

7th;       Suzanne Foot                 25.28      5.30               19.58

8th;       Paul Humpries                25.38      2.00               23.38

9th;       Tom Cavanagh               25.55      4.00                21.55

10th;     Pat McCourt                    Pulled up injured, while leading.

Message From Athletics Wicklow

On behalf of the Executive of Athletics Wicklow, (Billy, Dermot, Cyril) I would like to wish you and your families a very Happy Christmas and New Year.
We would also like you to extend our season greetings to all our athletes at home and abroad and hope that they continue to enjoy and excel in their chosen disciplines.
And to those of you who are injured or unwell may we wish you a speedy recovery and a bright 2014. 


 Just a reminder that our annual Club 5K H/cap will take place tomorrow morning in Shanganagh. Check in from 9.15, usual race start area, near railway bridge, first off at 9.45. Juvenile 3k race also planned. As is usual for this event if you wish to bring a small gift, bottle of wine, chocolates etc to use as prizes, please feel free to do so.

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About Us

Our Club was founded in 1983 primarily as a marathon running club, however over the years we have introduced a juvenile section and cover a wide range of athletic disciplines.

Bray Runners Athletics Club
Bray Head Terrace, Vevay Rd, Oldcourt, Bray, Co. Wicklow



Committee Members

Richard Hourihan Chairperson

Cyril J. Smith Hon. Treasurer

Orla Phillips Hon. Secretary

Collette Mason Child Welfare Officer

Jackie O'Neill Social Secretary

Emma Craxton Juvenile Representative

Kieron O'Leary Club Captain

Ashling Smith Committee Member

Maureen O'Rourke Committee Member


Our Photos

Well done to all our athletes!