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Bray Runners League

This initiative is all about participation, inclusion and above all fun!

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New Members are always welcome!

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National Novice C/C Championships

Final call; National Novice C/C takes place in Dungarvan on 6th Dec, 6k for Men, 4k for women. Would any member who intends taking part and has not already informed us please let us know asap as entries close shortly. At the moment 5 B.R athletes have confirmed their participation.

Entry Procedure For Ballycotton 2016.


The following is the entry procedure for next year’s Ballycotton ’10’ which will take place on Sunday March 6th. Once again, numbers are limited and there will be a combination of online and postal entries, as follows:

1) Online entries will open on Tuesday December 8th at 2pm, when the first 1,000 will be accepted. At 8pm the same evening a further 1,000 will be accepted, making an initial online total of 2,000. 

2) For Athletics Ireland and Athletics Northern Ireland affiliated members plus those who ran the four races in the Ballycotton Summer Series 2015, along with those living overseas, an additional online facility will open on Wednesday December 9th at 10am until midnight on Friday December 11th.

3) Postal entries: A PDF copy of the entry form will be published on the Ballycotton website on the evening of Friday December 11th, and will also be available in the usual local outlets.
All club and Summer Series entrants (see above) and overseas will be accepted by post up to and including Thursday December 17th.The first 200 non-club entries to arrive by post will be also be added to the above.

4) As usual, a limited number of elite entries will be available nearer the date. 

Entry fee for the 2016 race is again €15 (plus booking fee of €1.05, if entering online

Gary 2nd, Joe C 3rd, Jason smashes Pb in Stook Hill 10ml.

 At today's Stook Hill 10mile, Gary Condon finished in an excellent 2nd place in 58.13. Joe Cawley, 58.50, was 3rd, a great run from Joe. Colm O'Heigeartaigh, running his first 10ml, ran an impressive 65.36 and 30th place. Jason O'Connor ran 75.08, smashing his Pb, set earlier this year in B/cotton, by almost 8 minutes. Richard Kavanagh, 71.29. was 1st O/60.
Dominic Horan finished 6th and ran a fine time of 80.29 in the Gingerbread Half Marathon, in Portarlington earlier today.
Congratulations to Cara Barry who ran her first Half Marathon in Clontarf yesterday. Cara ran a very good 2.13.50. Well done Cara.

Sli Cualann Warm Weather Training

Sli Cualann are going warm weather training!

Fancy a week-long training stint in sunny Gran Canaria next March (24-31)?

The trip is open to athletes from age 15 up. Adults are very welcome! But we need to know if you are interested very soon, as we need to book flights in two week's time.


The trip will cost approx. 600 euro, including flights.

Please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you are interested

Dates for Diary Nov/Dec/Jan

The following are a number of important race dates taking place over the next 2 months.

22nd Nov;  National Senior Club C/C C/ships;  Santry. (10k men/8kwomen). Closing date 13th Nov.

6th   Dec;  National Novice C/C C/ships;   Dungarvan. (6k/4k). Closing Date 27th Nov.

24th Jan;  National Intermediate/Masters C/C C/ships, Dundalk.

In all of the above we will be racing as Sli Cualann AC.

13th Dec; Wicklow Senior C/C C/ships.  Avondale. 

3rd Jan;    Wicklow Masters C/C C/ships.   Ashford.  (6K/4K) 

We ask all members to consider the above and let us know as soon as possible (taking into to account closing dates) if you are interested in taking part. Let us know at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or text 086 8855047.   

Thursday Training From 5th Nov.

Thursday Training; From this coming Thursday, 5th Nov, group 1, Jason's Group, will revert to its winter home of the Sportshall at  Killians College, just off the Boghall Road. Our Fit4life group will meet in the Church Car Park in Shankill village. At the request of the vast majority of those who train with the groups on Thursday BOTH groups will meet at the later time OF 7PM. We will monitor the above over the next 4 weeks to see if it is successful or not. 

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Contact Us

About Us

Our Club was founded in 1983 primarily as a marathon running club, however over the years we have introduced a juvenile section and cover a wide range of athletic disciplines.

Bray Runners Athletics Club
Bray Head Terrace, Vevay Rd, Oldcourt, Bray, Co. Wicklow



Committee Members

Richard Hourihan Chairperson

Cyril J. Smith Hon. Treasurer

Orla Phillips Hon. Secretary

Collette Mason Child Welfare Officer

Jackie O'Neill Social Secretary

Emma Craxton Juvenile Representative

Kieron O'Leary Club Captain

Ashling Smith Committee Member

Maureen O'Rourke Committee Member


Our Photos

Well done to all our athletes!