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Bray Runners League

This initiative is all about participation, inclusion and above all fun!

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New Members are always welcome!

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REMINDER; Leinster Inter C/C C/ships

Reminder; Leinster Intermediate C/C C/ships will take place on Sunday 8th November in New Ross. Entries WILL CLOSE this coming weekend. If any of our athletes intend to take part please let us know before Friday 30th Oct., at either This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or text to 086-8855047

DCM; Helen Wins National Title, Andrea, Bill and Will All Excel.

Helen Barry ran a magnificent 2hr.58.28 in yesterday's Dublin Marathon. Helen was first woman 0/40, which in turn makes her National Marathon 0/40 Champion for 2015. That's Gold and Silver (2014) for Helen. Andrea Murphy ran a fine new Pb of 4.04.28., Bill Stanley, running his first marathon, ran an impressive 3.13.47, while William Foot, also making his marathon debut, was also impressive in running 3.18.22.   

Pbs for Emer, Neil and Gary in Frankfurt Marathon.

Three of our athletes took part in the Frankfurt Marathon on Sunday 25 Oct. All three recorded excellent new Pbs. Emer Hynes ran 3.54.23, almost 5 minutes off her previous best. Neil Wiktorski finished well inside the top 50 with a time of 2.30.15. Gary Condon finished in 2.33.07 to finish  7th O/40. Well done to all.  

Thursday Training, Important Notice

We will continue to meet at the front gates of Shanganagh Park at 6.30pm for the next two Thursdays, 22nd and 29th Oct. We will not train in the park but on the paths and roads in the surrounding area. We will then move to our winter base, Killian's College, on Thursday 5th November. At the request of the vast majority of those who train on Thursday night, training will commence at the later time of 7PM.

Busy Weekend Ahead For Bray Runners

This weekend is a very busy weekend in the racing calendar. The Dublin City Marathon, incorporating the National Marathon C/ships, the Leinster C/C C/ships, Novice, Masters and Even Ages and the Frankfurt Marathon all take place over the next few days. Bray Runners will be well represented in all.

On Monday, Bray Runners, athletes, family and friends, are invited to use 38/39 FITZWILLIAM SQUARE, before and after the marathon. We are, as always, very grateful to Bob Manson for offering the use of the house to us, we will be taking up a small collection, which will be donated to Bob's selected charity. The house is just off Lesson St., Stephens Green end.

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Contact Us

About Us

Our Club was founded in 1983 primarily as a marathon running club, however over the years we have introduced a juvenile section and cover a wide range of athletic disciplines.

Bray Runners Athletics Club
Bray Head Terrace, Vevay Rd, Oldcourt, Bray, Co. Wicklow



Committee Members

Richard Hourihan Chairperson

Cyril J. Smith Hon. Treasurer

Orla Phillips Hon. Secretary

Collette Mason Child Welfare Officer

Jackie O'Neill Social Secretary

Emma Craxton Juvenile Representative

Kieron O'Leary Club Captain

Ashling Smith Committee Member

Maureen O'Rourke Committee Member


Our Photos

Well done to all our athletes!