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Bray Runners League

This initiative is all about participation, inclusion and above all fun!

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New Members are always welcome!

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Bray Runners To The Fore At Enniscorthy 10k.

The Enniscorthy 10k took place on Sunday 8th Feb., it always attracts a large group of athletes from our club and Sli Cualann. We had 14 athletes take part, all of whom were well pleased with their mornings work. The Sli Cualann Senior Ladies took first place in the team event, a great achievement seeing the quality of the opposition. The team was Suzanne Foot, Helen Barry, Ashling Smith and Ashling Kirwan.

In the mens race Gary Condon finished 6th overall and 2nd O/40 in a time of 33.19. Neil Wiktorski, continued his return to racing after injury, and ran a fine 34.21, to finish 7th overall. Bill Stanley smashed his PB, running 38.03, a great performance over a very tough 10k. Another to smash his Pb was Colm O'Heigeartaigh in running 38.30. Interestingly both Colm and Bill each took 55 seconds off their previous best. Good to see James Nangle back racing again, he recorded a fine 40.01.

In the womens race Suzannne Foot finished 6th overall and 1st O/40, and led the Sli Cualann ladies team to victory.  Suzanne ran 40.07 a mere second ahead and 1 place ahead of Helen Barry, 40.08, 2nd O/40 and also part of the Sli Cualann team. Ashling Smith finished 3rd O/40 and lady in an excellent 10k debut time of 42.13, Ashling was also part of the Sli Cualann ladies team.

Jean O'Kennedy, made her debut in Bray Runners colours, and was very impressive in recording 46.44 and 3rd O/50. There is no doubt that Jean will be challenging for top honours in her category as the season progresses.

Another Pb was recorded by Angela Ross Innes, she ran 53.06, good to see Angela back racing again after a very heavy racing schedule last season.

Andrea Murphy, 49.54, Emer Hynes, 50.26, Diana Doll, 50.30 and Sandra Brady were all very pleased with their Performances as they continue their preparations for Ballycotton. 

These are all the weekend results we have to hand, please forward your results to or text to 086 8855047 

Full results from Enniscorthy can be found at

News Update 1st/8th Feb

Congratulations to Charlotte Stevens who posted a new 10ml PB at the Bewleys Trim 10ml on Sunday last 1st Feb. Charlotte ran a very impressive 78.07 to finish 6th O/50. Next on the list for Charlotte is Ballycotton. Full results from Trim can be found at

The Dungarvan 10ml was also held last Sunday. Joe Cawley finished 24th overall and 5th O/40, running a time of 57.21. Main targets for Joe are London Marathon and Ironman Copenhagen. Dominic Horan finished 6th O/45 in a fine time of 61.21 and Denis Patterson, returning from injury ran 83.30. Full results can be found at

We would like to thank all those who have paid their annual membership fees. Fees can be paid at Thursday training 12th Feb or in our clubhouse also on Thursday 12th between 8and 9pm.

We would also like to extend a warm welcome to some new members to our club. Jean O'Kennedy, Angela Groome and Jason Groome, have recently joined us, I am sure they will be a great asset to our club into the future.

Reminder; Club 5K H/cap on Sunday 15th FEB at 10am in Shanganagh. We would ask all our athletes to come along to either run or help out. This is an opportunity for all to meet up, discuss plan etc., and also to meet and greet our new members. We are also hoping to see as many juveniles as possible take part. Primarily this is a fun/social event. All Welcome. 

Good luck to all those competing over the weekend.


Due to the adverse weather conditions this evenings Training Session, Fit4life Race and Athletics Wicklow AGM have all had to be cancelled.


It is intended to hold a 5k H/cap on Sunday 15th Feb., at 10am, in Shanganagh. We would ask all athletes to come along, if at all possible, and take part or help out. An opportunity for all our athletes to meet up and also meet and greet some new athletes who have joined us this year. All welcome.

Reminder; Leinster 10ml Road C/ships take place on 6th April in Raheny. A number of athletes have indicated their intention to take part, as this is a very prestigious event, we would ask all athletes to consider taking part. All categories catered for.

Thursday 29th Jan.

Thursday training this week will see our Fit4life group head to Greystones for first race in Fit4life series, a 2 ml road race. A number of Jason's group will also be heading to Greystones. Anyone needing a lift or wishing to car pool, please meet at Killians at usual time of 6.30. Fit4life entry fee is 5 euro. Training as usual for everyone else.

Annual 2015 registration subs now due - you can bring to training on Thursday, clearly marked in an envelope, and only complete a new form if you are a new member or contact, medical info has changed. Please include email address and mobile number (if you wish to receive club updates). Please do not bring fees to Greystones.

Fees Night. Fees can also be paid on Wednesday 4th Feb., in our CLUBHOUSE, from 8 to 9pm, or Thursday 5th Feb., prior to training, at St. Killians College, from 6.15pm. 

 Adult Fee, 65 Euro.

Raheny 5; Gary 2nd 0/40, Siobhan, Emer and Charlotte Smash PB's.

There was some excellent performances from our athletes at today's Raheny 5ml. Gerry Curtis has held the course record, 22.39 for over 25 years now and still nobody can get near to it. Todays winner Martin Fagan, Mullingar Harriers, ran 23.36, and Lizzie Lee, Leevale AC, 1st lady home, ran 26.33.

Gary Condon ran an excellent 26.42 to finish 29th overall and 2nd O/40, a great start to his season. Siobhan Butler continued where she left off in 2014 by smashing her PB by almost 2minutes, Siobhan ran 35.37 (1min 46 off her previous best, set in Raheny last year) and finished 10th O/45. Interestingly only 30 seconds separated athletes 5 to 10 in Siobhan's Category. Emer Hynes also smashed her Pb, recording an excellent 40.00, 1min 27sec off her previous best. Charlotte Stevens, as always ran an excellent race, recording a new Pb of 37.21, and 5th O/50. Charlotte took over 20 seconds off her previous best. Colm O'Heigeartaigh ran a fine 31.11, Suzanne Foot, 32.10 and 5th O/40 is back in form after her recent injury. Ashling Smith continued her impressive form in running 33.28 in her first time racing over 5miles. Leanne Geraghty was well pleased with her run, a fine 37.11 and it was great to see Marc Kierans back after a long lay off and running 38.41. Sandra Brady, making great progress since her return from injury, ran 40.37. Also running their first 5miler were Elaine Nuzun and Ana Molina who ran 46.18 and 47.36 respectively.

Tadgh Twomey, well known to most in Bray Runners, finished 2nd O/75 in 46.15. Maria Dolan, ex Bray Runners, finished 2nd O/45 in 30.10, Catherina McKieran winning the category in 27.41. 

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About Us

Our Club was founded in 1983 primarily as a marathon running club, however over the years we have introduced a juvenile section and cover a wide range of athletic disciplines.

Bray Runners Athletics Club
Bray Head Terrace, Vevay Rd, Oldcourt, Bray, Co. Wicklow



Committee Members

Richard Hourihan Chairperson

Cyril J. Smith Hon. Treasurer

Orla Phillips Hon. Secretary

Collette Mason Child Welfare Officer

Jackie O'Neill Social Secretary

Emma Craxton Juvenile Representative

Kieron O'Leary Club Captain

Ashling Smith Committee Member

Maureen O'Rourke Committee Member


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Well done to all our athletes!