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Bray Runners League

This initiative is all about participation, inclusion and above all fun!

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New Members are always welcome!

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Special Olympics, Volunteers Needed

On Saturday the 9th May 2015, Special Olympics will be holding a South Leinster Track & Field Event at the Watershed Sport & Leisure Centre, Kilkenny.

This is one of the highlights of the Special Olympics Leinster Sporting Calendar each year.

To ensure the smooth running of this event, Special Olympics Leinster will be looking to put a team of volunteers in place to run the event to a high standard.

The recruitment of this team will begin with a Volunteer Information Evening, details below:


Date: Monday 9th March

Time: 7:00pm – 8:30pm

Location: The Watershed Sports & Leisure Centre (Sports Hall)

Google Maps Link:

We require Volunteers with all types of skills(Anyone can help!), but we are particular keen to involve those from an Athletics/Event Management background.

If you are available to attend the meeting on Monday 9th March or interested in volunteering at our May Event, please give me a call on 01 629 1662 or send an email to

(Feel free to share this information and the attached posters with members of club or via your facebook page).

Looking forward to seeing you on the 9th March,

Kind Regards,

Paul Divilly

Regional Development Officer- Volunteers & Clubs

Special Olympics Leinster

4th Floor, Park House

North Circular Road

Dublin 7

Regional Office: 01 629 6999

Direct Line: 01 869 1662





Neil Wiktorski Back to Winning Ways

Neil Wiktorski continued his comeback to racing, after a long layoff through injury, by winning the Wicklow Hospice 10k on Saturday 21st March. Neil ran an impressive 34.23 over a very tough course in Avondale. Dominic Horan finished 7th overall and 2nd O/40 in 36.33. In the Half Marathon event, also in Avondale, Martin Francis finished in 5th place and 2nd O/50 in a very impressive 83.59. Also great to see Martin back racing.  


Richard Owens 7th in National Indoor 1500mtrs Final

Sli Cualann athletes were in action over the weekend in Athlone at the Irish Senior Indoor Championships. Claire Earls and Richard Owens made it through to the finals of the 800m and 1500m respectively. Claire finished 5th in the women's 800m final on Sunday, running an impressive 2:13.94. On Saturday, Richard Owens ran 3:59.46 to earn him a spot in Sunday's final. He then improved to 3:57.86 in the national title decider, where he finished 7th.


Ferdia Kenny


Heat 2: 4th




Heat 3: 3rd


Claire Earls


Heat 1: 2nd




Final: 5th


Richard Owens


Heat 1: 4th




Final: 7th


Tim Grummell


Heat 1: 9th


Ara Freeman


Heat 3: 5th




Important Dates For Your Diary.

Ballycotton 10mile is now only 2 weeks away, Sunday 8th March, and it promises to be a great weekend with 27 of our athletes entered. After Ballycotton we have a number of important events coming up.

 Our Annual Awards Night will be held on Saturday 21st March at 8pm. We would welcome your nominations for the following awards. Awards are based on performances from January 2014 to December 2014.

              1; Athlete of the Year.

              2; Master Athlete of the Year.

              3; Most Improved Athlete of the Year.

              4; Personality of the Year.

You can forward your nominations to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or text to 086 8855047

On Thursday 2nd April we will host Round 3 of Fit4life series in Shanganagh. This is a 3k event and we would encourage as many athletes as possible to take part.

On Monday 6th April the Leinster 10ml Road C/ships will take place in Raheny. Again we would ask as many athletes as possible to take part.

National 10K C/ships will be held on 11th April in conjunction with Great Ireland Run in the Phoenix Park. 

Wicklow Road Race C/Ships will be held on Wednesday 23rd April at 7pm in Ashford.





5k H/cap; Sunday 15th Feb.

Quick reminder that we will be holding a 5k H/cap on Sunday next at 10am in Shanganagh. Usual start point, close to railway bridge, all welcome.

Angela's Enniscorthy 10k Pb

2015 got off to a great racing start today with my first official race of the year at Enniscorthy 10K earlier today. The day dawned bright and mild and clear, perfect weather for a lovely drive and a run. I left home in good spirits, hoping for an easy 10K recovery run after my long-run on Friday (pre-dawn 26km out in the middle of nowhere, plenty of hills and great views). A few minutes out of Enniscorthy the sun disappeared anrd the temperature dropped right down to 3 degrees, mist thick and low on the ground. No matter, a run is a run and always great fun :-)

So quick dash up to the registration desk to pick up my number (and I got a hat - lovely memento for the day), then a nice easy warm-up run to the starting line. 
As is my habit, I headed straight to the back of the starting crowd. Not the very last one to start, I was still in the last 10% to cross the starting line: less temptation to start out fast and run out of steam halfway. I tend to get lost in the moment and caught up in the vibe too easily, which doesn't do my race any favours. So forcing myself to start slow is my current strategy, and it has worked out very well for me so far. Today was no different.
Starting out at 5:45 per km pace, faster than I'd planned but I was feeling strong and the pace felt easy and maintainable, so I stuck to it. I had to consciously hold back more than once when my feet tried to nudge me  down to 5:30 pace...
After the first 2 or 3km, I was nicely warmed up, and let my legs take a little more control and bring down my pace to 5:30. Which still felt fairly calm and relaxed and just right. The route was lovely, out on the country roads outside of the town. Fresh air, and not as cold as it had seemed at the start. At 5km there was a bit of a hill. Nothing crazy but enough to slow me down a little. I pushed a little here, not wanting to slow too much, and before I knew it the hill was over and I was cruising along again, trying to catch my breath after the burst of effort. Up to 7km there was another bump or two in the gradient, but nothing quite as steep as the first one. Easy cruising up and over: I was feeling surprisingly strong still!! And looking down at my Garmin, I was shocked at the pace I was hitting: 5:15, and below!!!
So, 7km done, 3 to go, and there has to be some downhill after all the climbing done so far, so why not keep going at that pace and see what I can do?? I had been planning on an easy 58 minute 10K, but now it was looking like 55 or 56. I'd managed to sneak in below 55min at the Tipp 10K last year, which I didn't think I'd do today, but might get close anyway. Good enough, considering I was aiming for 58...!
Somewhere before the 5km hill I'd passed a guy in a bright shirt, and he soon caught me again, and we ended up running most of the race together. Little bit of talking, lots of pace-pushing. I think we were both determined not to fall behind. Suited me fine, as this strategy was pulling my pace down to 5:00 and even dipping below at times. Completely unexpected and felt amazing to be moving so fast (for me this was way quicker than my standard 10K pace, even nudging below my standard 5K pace)!!! I was feeling strong and light on my feet and just loving the moment! 8km come and gone, and the pace still blazing! 9km, flying! By this point I was starting to feel the exertion catching up to me, but with less than a km to go I decided to give it all I had and push the last bit. I was no longer checking my pace at this point, but knew I was below 5:00min/km. My eyes were glued to the time: 49 minutes and less than half a mile to go!!! 50 minutes: 600m. 51: 400m... 52: 200m and I can see the finish line. My 10K PB dates back to September 2008: 53:06. I can beat it, but I have to move, move, move!!!!! 100m... 50m... And DONE!!!!!
Check my Garmin and I had to let out a yell: 52 minutes and 56 seconds!!!!! 10 whole seconds off my 6 1/2 year standing PB. And I was still feeling strong. Tired, very tired, but strong enough to use the distance back to my car as a cooldown jog. It felt wrong to walk after that.
After downloading my Garmin logs, I received another very pleasant and unexpected shock: my last 4 splits were at a pace that I'd never imagined possible, especially at the end of a 10K!!
So in all an amazing race, completely unexpected and great fun. I'm still smiling at the memory :-)
I've enjoyed running since I first started back in 2006, but it's days like this that remind me how exceptional the sport can be - how entering my 9th year as a runner I'm still able to surprise myself and achieve new personal records, push myself beyond my perceived limits. This year is going to be a memorable year! Many more boundaries to push, limits to test, goals to achieve. Hello and welcome to 2015!  Angela Ross Innes.

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Contact Us

About Us

Our Club was founded in 1983 primarily as a marathon running club, however over the years we have introduced a juvenile section and cover a wide range of athletic disciplines.

Bray Runners Athletics Club
Bray Head Terrace, Vevay Rd, Oldcourt, Bray, Co. Wicklow



Committee Members

Richard Hourihan Chairperson

Cyril J. Smith Hon. Treasurer

Orla Phillips Hon. Secretary

Collette Mason Child Welfare Officer

Jackie O'Neill Social Secretary

Emma Craxton Juvenile Representative

Kieron O'Leary Club Captain

Ashling Smith Committee Member

Maureen O'Rourke Committee Member


Our Photos

Well done to all our athletes!